Home > Jukebox Archive > 17th May, 2015
Let's Unite to Support Art! - NSPA Jukebox
Summer Souvenirs
Our newsfeeds were stormed with a barrage of news snippets this week, and views regarding the Salman verdict took up a major chunk of space and attention. Then, Mother's Day happened and our walls were covered with overwhelmingly emotional posts. We really liked an ad, made by a popular mobile phone company that pokes fun at the way our mom's text. Their observations were so spot on that we couldn't help but smile at the emotionality and lack of tech-savviness most of our mom's seem to suffer from. Watch this video with your mom and hear her say, "But even I do that" at least 5 times through the ad!
Here, at the NSPA foundation, we've had our hands full with auditions and performances. There is also a cause we've been trying to promote and support. It's a cause that is close to our hearts because it aims at reserving more spaces for arts in the city. We like to call it the 'Say no to concrete, yes to creativity' initiative. The old barracks at Nariman Point, near the Marine Drive Police Station, are in danger of being torn down to make room for a high rise. We hope that the barracks are renovated into art and culture hubs so that artists in the city get a place to practice and perform at. To know more about the cause, read our post: Let's Unite to Support Art Sign the petition here: Save Mumbai's History Now!
 Support the Cause!!
The week that was
It's good to be a drama queen!
At our recent theatre auditions, we were treated to some new theatre forms like mime, ‘jat-jatin, which is a form of folk theatre and some insightful nukkad nataks. Catch snippets from these performances here |
Busking scenes at the Mumbai Metro
Metro Stations are favorite busking haunts for our artists. Amidst the chaos and bustle, our artists sit at a reserved corner and do their bit to infuse some happiness and liveliness into these surroundings. Catch a glimpse of our artists performing at Metro stations here |
Well, that's all for this week folks. We'll be back next week with the latest gossip and goings-on. Till then, take care and don't let those worried wrinkles crinkle your brow!
Till we meet again!
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